Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

reversion to the lowest savage animal instincts, and can
never be dignified into the remotest semblance of anything
“manly”, even though practiced and defended by the
otherwise humane and worthy temporary head of a mighty
How much more beautiful it would be for man to play
the role of friend and protector of the weak. Who does not
love to visit Central Park in New York City and pet, stroke
and feed the hundreds of squirrels which are running about
secure in the knowledge that they will not be molested? And
who is not glad, for the sake of the squirrels, to see the sign,
“Dogs fou nd chasing the s qu irrels will b e shot.” This is hard
on the dogs, but it is to be commended as an evidence of the
growth of the sentiment favoring the protection of the weak
against the unreasoning or merciless strong. Nothing is said
on the sign about the squirrels being injured by men,
because that would be unthinkable. So strong is the
influence of the trust the little animals repose in the kindness
of man, that no one would violate it.

Returning to our consideration of the spiritual aids to
human progress, the Lord's Prayer, which may be considered
as an abstract, algebraical formula for the upliftment and
purification of all the vehicles of man, the idea of taking
proper care of the dense body is expressed in the words:
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
The prayer dealing with the needs of the vital body is,
“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass
against us.”
The vital b ody is the s eat of memor y. In it are stor ed t he
subconscious records of all the past events of our life, good
or ill, including all injuries inflicted or sustained and

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