Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

lower natures. Animals are permitted to follow desire
without any restriction whatever. In their case, there is
neither good nor evil, because they lack mind, the faculty of
discrimination. The method of self-protection which we
pursue in regard to animals which kill and steal is different
from that which we use in relation to human beings who do
the same things. Even a human being who is bereft of mind
is not held accountable. The fact is recognized that he does
not know he is doing wrong, therefore he is simply
It was only when his mental eyes were opened that man
came to know good and evil. When the link of mind
becomes allied to the Higher Self and does its bidding, we
have the high-minded person. On the contrary, the coalition
of the mind with the lower desire nature produces the low-
minded person; therefore the meaning of this prayer is that
we may be delivered from the experience resulting from the
alliance of the mind with the desire body, with all thereby
The aspirant to the higher life accomp lishes the u nion of
the higher and the lower natures by means of Meditation on
lofty subjects. This union is further cemented by
Contemplation, and both these states are transcended by
Adoration, which lifts the spirit to the very Throne.
The Lord's Prayer, given for the general use of the
Church, gives Adoration first place, in order to reach the
spiritual exaltation necessary to proffer a petition
representing the needs of the lower vehicles. Each aspect of
the threefold spirit, commencing with the lowest, raises
itself in adoration to its corresponding aspect of Deity.
When t he thr ee aspects of the sp irit are all arrayed b efor e the
Throne of Grace, each utters the prayer appropriate to the

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