Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

diagram is inserted opposite page 464.

The sex-pervert, or sex-maniac, is a proof of the
correctness of the contention of occultists that one part of
the sex-force builds the brain. He becomes an idiot, unable
to think because of drawing and sending out, not only the
negative or positive part of the sex force (according to
whether male or female) which is normally to be used
through the sex-organ for propagation, but in addition to
that, some of the force which should build up the brain,
enabling it to produce thought—hence the mental
On the other hand, if the person is given to spiritual
thought, the tendency to use the sex force for propagation is
slight, and whatever part of it is not us ed in t hat wa y ma y b e
transmuted into spiritual force.
That is why the initiate, at a certain stage of
development, takes the vow of celibacy. It is not an easy
vow, nor one to be lightly taken by one desirous of spiritual
advancement. Many people who are not yet ripe for the
higher life have ignorantly bound themselves to a life of
asceticism. They are as dangerous to the community and to
themselves on the one hand as is the imbecile sex-maniac on
the other.
At the present stage of human evolution the sex function
is the means whereby bodies are provided, through which
the spirit can gain experience. The people who are most
prolific and follow the creative impulse unreservedly are the
lowest classes; thus it is difficult for incoming entities to
find good vehicles amid environments enabling them to
unfold their faculties in such a manner as to permanently
benefit themselves and the rest of humanity, for among the

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