Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

wealthier classes who could furnish more favorable
conditions many have few or no children. It is not because
they live abstemious sex-lives, but for the entirely selfish
reasons that they may have more ease and leisure and
indulge in unlimited sex-gratification without the burden of
a family. Among the less-wealthy middle class, families are
also restricted, but in their case partially for economic
reasons, that they may give one or two children educational
and other advantages that their means would not permit
them to give to four or five.
Thus man exercises his divine prerogative of bringing
disorder into nature. Incoming Egos must take the
opportunities offered them sometimes under unfavorable
circumstances. Other Egos who cannot do that, must wait till
favorable environment offers. Thus do we affect one another
by our actions and thus are the sins of the fathers visited
upon the children, for as the Holy Spirit is the creative
energy in nature, the sex energy is its reflection in man, and
misuse or abuse of that power is the sin that is not forgiven,
but must be expiated in impaired efficiency of the vehicles,
in order to thoroughly teach us the sanctity of the creative
Aspirants to the higher life, filled with an earnest desire
to live a noble spiritual life, often regard the sex-function
with horror, because of the harvest of misery which
humanity has reaped as a result of its abuse. They are apt to
turn in disgust from what they regard as impurity,
overlooking the fact that it is precisely such people as they
who (having brought their vehicles into good condition by
means of proper sanitary food, high and lofty thought, and
pure and spiritual lives) are best fitted to generate the dense
bodies essential to the development of entities seeking

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