Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

incarnation. It is common knowledge among occult
scientists that, to the detriment of the race, many high class
Egos are kept out of incarnation at the present time solely
because parents cannot be found who are pure enough to
provide them with the necessary physical vehicles.
Persons who, for the reason above mentioned, refrain
from doing their duty to humanity, are magnifying the sun
spots to such an extent that they forget to see the Sun itself!
The sex function has its great place in the economy of the
world. When properly used, there is no greater boon to the
Ego, for it then provides pure and healthful bodies such as
man needs for his development; conversely, when abused,
ther e is no gr eater curse, for it is then t he s ource of the worst
ills to which flesh is heir.
It is a truism that “no man liveth unto himself.” By our
words and acts we are constantly affecting others. By the
proper performance, or the neglect of our duty, we make or
mar the lives, first, of those in our immediate environment,
but ultimately of all the inhabitants of the Earth, and more.
No one has a right to seek the higher life without having
performed his duty to his family, his country, and the human
race. To selfishly set aside everything else and live solely for
one's own spiritual advancement, is as reprehensible as not
to care for the spiritual life at all. Nay, it is worse; for those
who do their duty in the ordinary life to the best of their
ability, devoting themselves to the welfare of those
dependent upon them, are cultivating the essential quality of
faithfulness. They will certainly advance in due time to a
point where they will become awake to spiritual necessities,
and will carry to that work the faithfulness developed
elsewhere. The man who deliberately turns his back upon
his present duties to take up the spiritual life will surely be

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