Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

forced back into the path of duty from which he has
mistakenly diverged, with no possible means of escape until
the lesson has been learned.
Certain tribes of India make the following excellent
division of life. The first twenty years are spent in obtaining
an education; the years from 20 to 40 are devoted to the duty
of raising a family; and the remaining time is devoted to
spiritual development, without any physical cares to harass
or distract the mind.
During the first period the child is supported by its
parents; during the second period the man, in addition to
supporting his own family, cares for his parents while they
are giving their attention to higher things; and during the
balance of his life, he is in turn supported by his children.
This seems a very sensible method, and is quite
satisfactory in a country where all, from the cradle to the
grave, feel the spiritual need, to such degree that they
mistakenly neglect material development except as impelled
by the lash of direst need, and where the children cheerfully
support their parents, secure in the knowledge that they will
be supported in turn and thus be enabled to devote
themselves entir ely to the higher life after having perfor med
their duty to their country and to humanity. In the Western
World, however, where no spiritual need is at present felt by
the average man because he is properly following material
lines of development, such a mode of life would be
impossible of realization.
Spiritual desire never comes until the time is ripe, and
always when the particular conditions obtain under which
we must seek its gratification, if at all. Whatever duties exist
which are apparent restrictions must be borne. If the care of
a family prevents the complete consecration desired, the

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