Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

health and ability to care for the same. And, as previously
stated, most particularly are aspirants to the higher life under
obligation in this respect, on account of the purification
which their purer lives have wrought in their bodies, because
of which they are better qualified than ordinary humanity to
generate pure vehicles. Thus they enable high-class entities
to find suitable vehicles and help humanity to advance by
affording these waiting Egos opportunities to incarnate and
exercise their influence at an earlier period than would
otherwise be possible.
If the sex force is used in the way indicated, coition will
take place but few times in a life, and practically the entire
sex force may be used for spiritual purposes. It is not the
use, but the abuse that causes all the trouble and interferes
with the spiritual life, so there is no need for anyone to
abandon the higher life because he or she cannot be celibate.
It is not necessary to be strictly celibate while going through
the lesser Initiations. The vow of absolute celibacy applies
to the greater Initiations only, and even then a single act of
fecundation may sometimes be necessary as an act of
sacrifice, as was the case in providing a body for Christ.
It may also be said that it is worse to suffer from a
burning desire, to be constantly thinking vividly of the
gratification of sense, than to live the married life in
moderation. Christ taught that unchaste thoughts are as bad
as, and even worse than unchaste acts, because thoughts may
be repeated indefinitely, whereas there is at least some limit
to acts.
The aspirant to the higher life can be successful only in
proportion to the extent of the subjugation of the lower
nature, but should beware of the other extreme.

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