Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

these sense-centers are inactive, but true development will
set them spinning clockwise, as explained elsewhere. That is
the difficult feature in the development of positive
The development of mediumship is much easier,
because it is merely a revival of the mirror-like function
possessed by man in the far past, by which the outside world
was involuntarily reflected in him, and which function was
afterward retained by inbreeding. With present day mediums
this power is intermittent, which explains why they can
sometimes “see” and at other times, for no apparent reason,
fail utterly. Occasionally, the strong desire of the client
enables them to get into touch with the information he is
seeking, on which occasions they see correctly, but they are
not always honest. Office rent and other expenses must be
paid, so when the power (over which they have no conscious
control) fails them, some resort to fraud and utter any
absurdity that occurs to their minds, in order to satisfy their
client and get his money, thus casting discredit upon what
they really do see at other times.
The aspirant to true spiritual sight and insight must first
of all give proof of unselfishness, because the trained
clairvoyant has no “off days.” He is not in the least mirror-
like, dependent upon the reflections which may happen to
come his way. He is able to reach out at any time and in any
direction, and read the thoughts and plans of others,
provided he particularly turns his attention that way—not
The great danger to society which would result from the
indiscriminate use of this power if possessed by an unworthy
individual, can be easily understood. He would be able to

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