Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

As was explained in the earlier part of this work, the
neophyte must learn to see in the Desire World, or rather, he
must learn how to understand what he sees there. In the
Physical World objects are dense, solid, and do not change
in the twinkling of an eye. In the Desire World they change
in the most erratic manner. This is a source of endless
confusion to the negative involuntary clairvoyant, and even
to the neophyte who enters under the guidance of a teacher,
but the teaching soon brings the pupil to a point where the
Form may change as often as it will; he can perceive the
Life that causes the change, and knows it for what it is,
despite all possible and puzzling changes.
There is also another and most important distinction to
be made. The power which enables one toperceive the
objects in a world isnot identical with the power ofentering
that world andfunctioning there. The voluntary clairvoyant,
though he may have received some training, and is able to
distinguish the true from the false in the Desire World, is in
practically the same relation to it as a prisoner behind a
barred window is to the outside world—he can see it, but
cannot function therein. Therefore esoteric training not only
opens up the inner vision of the aspirant, but at the proper
time further exercises are given to furnish him with a vehicle
in which he can function in the inner Worlds in a perfectly
self-conscious manner.

In ordinary life most people live to eat, they drink,
gratify the sex-passion in an unrestrained manner, and lose
their tempers on the slightest provocation. Though
outwardly these people may be very “respectable,” they are,
nearly every day of their lives, causing almost utter
confusion in their organization. The entire period of sleep is

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