Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

their bodies he left one part of the vital body, comprising the
first and second ethers, to perform the purely animal
functions (they are the only ones active during sleep), the
pupil taking with him a vehicle capable of perception,
because of its connection with the sense-centers of the dense
body; and also capable of memory. It possessed these
capabilities because it was composed of the third and fourth
ethers, which are the mediums of sense-perception and
This is, in fact, that part of the vital body which the
aspirant retains from life to life, and immortalizes as the
Intellectual Soul.
Since Christ came and “took away the sin of the world,”
(not of the individual) purifying the desire body of our
planet, the connection between all human dense and vital
bodies has been loosened to such an extent that, by training,
they are capable of separation as above described. Therefore
Initiation is open to all.
The finer part of the desire body, which constitutes the
Emotional Soul, is capable of separation in most people (in
fact, it possessed that capability even before Christ came)
and thus when, by concentration and the use of the proper
for mu la, the finer parts of the vehicles ha ve b een s egrega ted
for use during sleep, or at any other time, the lower parts of
the desire and vital bodies are still left to carry on the
processes of restoration in the dense vehicle, the mere
animal part.
That part of the vital body which goes out is highly
organized, as we have seen. It is an exact counterpart of the
dense body. The desire body and the mind, not being
organized, are of use only because they are connected with
the highly organized dense body. When separated from it

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