Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

rather not a subject usually, but a very simple object, which
he imagines. Thus when the proper condition or point of
absorption has been reached where his senses are absolutely
still, he concentrates his thought upon the different sense
centers of the desire body andthey start to revolve.
At first their motion is slow and hard to bring about, but
by degrees the sense-centers of the desire body will make
places for themselves within the dense and vital bodies,
which learn to accommodate themselves to this new activity.
Then some day, when the proper life has developed the
requisite cleavage between the higher and lower parts of the
vital body, there is a supreme effort of the will; a spiral
motion in many directions takes place, and the aspirant
standsoutside his dense body. He looks at it as at another
person. The door of this prison-house has been opened. He
is free t o come and go, as much at lib erty in the inner worlds
as in the Physical World, functioning at will, in the inner or
outer World, a helper of all desiring his services in any of
Before the aspirant learns to voluntarily leave the body,
he may have worked in the desire body during sleep, for in
some people the desire body becomes organized before the
separation can be brought about in the vital body. Under
those conditions it is impossible to bring back these
subjective experiences to waking consciousness, but
generally in such cases it will be noticed, as the first sign of
development, that all confused dreams will cease. Then,
after while, the dreams will become more vivid and
perfectly logical. The aspirant will dr eam of being in places
and with people (whether known to him in waking hours or
not matters little), conducting himself in as reasonable a way
as if he were in the waking state. If the place of which he

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