Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

its host are emanations from one and the same group spirit,
for the higher we ascend in the invisible realms, the fewer
the separate and distinct forms, and the more completely the
One Life predominates, impressing upon the investigator the
supreme fact that there is but the One Life—the Universal
Life of God, in Whom it is an actual fact that “we live, and
move, and have our being.” Mineral, plant, animal, and
man—all, without exception—are manifestations of God,
and this fact furnishes the true basis of brotherhood—a
brotherhood which includes everything from the atom to the
Sun, because all are emanations from God. Conceptions of
brotherhood based upon any other foundation, such as class-
distinctions, Race-affinity, similarity of occupation, etc., fall
far short of this true basis, as the occult scientist clearly
realizes when he sees the Universal Life flowing in all that


When this height has been reached by Contemplation,
and the aspirant has realized that he is in truth beholding
God in the Life that permeates all things, there remains still
to be taken the highest step, Adoration, whereby he unites
himself with the Source of all things, reaching by that act the
highest goal possible of attainment by man until the time
when the permanent union takes place at the end of the great
Day of Manifestation.
It is the writer's opinion that neither the heights of
Contemplation, nor the final step of Adoration can be
attained without the aid of a teacher. The aspirant need never
fear, however, that for want of a teacher he will be delayed
in taking these steps; nor need he be concerned about

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