Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

looking for a teacher. All that is necessary for him to do is
start to improve himself, and to earnestly andpersistently
continue therein. In that way he will purify his vehicles.
They will commence to shine in the inner Worlds, and
cannot fail to attract the attention of the teachers, who are
always watching for just such cases and are more than eager
and glad to help those who, because of their earnest efforts
to purify themselves, have won the right to receive help.
Humanity is sorely in need of helpers who are able to work
from the inner Worlds, therefore “seek and ye shall find,”
but let us not imagine that by going about from one
professed teacher to another, we are seeking. “Seeking,” in
that sense of the word, will avail nothing in this dark world.
We ourselves must kindle the light—the light which
invariably radiates from the vehicles of the earnest aspirant.
That is the star which will lead us to the teacher, or rather
the teacher to us.
The time requ ir ed to bring resu lts from the p erfor mance
of the exercises varies with each individual and is dependent
upon his application, his stage in evolution and his record in
the book of destiny; therefore no general time can be set.
Some, who are almost ready, obtain results in a few days or
weeks; others have to work months, years, and even their
whole life withoutvisible results, yet the results will be
there, and the aspirant who faithfully persists will some day,
in this or a future life, behold his patience and faithfulness
rewarded and the inner Worlds open to his gaze, finding
himself a citizen of realms where the opportunities are
immeasurably greater than in the Physical World only.
From that time—awake or asleep, through what men
call life, and through what men call death—his
consciousness will be unbroken. He will lead a consciously-

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