Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Our Buildings
The work at Headquarters was begun toward the end of

  1. To date numerous buildings have been erected, some
    of which now no longer exist. The Pro-Ecclesia, or Chapel,
    in which two 15-minute services have been held daily since
    its dedication in December, 1913, was thoroughly renovated
    in 1962. A devotional service with lecture continues to be
    conducted on Sundays. A two storyAdministration Building
    was completed in 1917, and renovated in 1962. On the 2nd
    floor are offices for the various departments: Esoteric,
    Correspondence Courses, Editorial, Foreign Languages, and
    Accounting. On the first floor are the Shipping Department
    and the print shop, where Lessons, RAYS, pamphlets, etc.,
    are printed. An offset press was installed in 1972.
    TheDining Hall was built in 1914, added to in the late
    30's, and renovated in 1962. Vegetarian meals are served.
    The Healing Temple, where a healing service is conducted
    each evening, was completed in 1920. Rose Cross Lodge
    was built in 1924, for the use of guests and workers. It is
    now used largely for storing books. The Sanitarium Building
    was opened in 1939 and used for a number of years to treat
    patients suffering from non-contagious diseases. It is now
    our Guest House, used by workers and members. Numerous
    cottages built since 1962, and some renovated ones provide
    living quarters for workers. The Healing Dept. Building was
    erected in 1940. Here secretaries conduct our healing work.

The Correspondence School
In addition to publications of The Rosicrucian
Fellowship noted in the back of this book there are three
correspondence courses offered on the freewill basis:
Rosicrucian Philosophy, Bible Interpretation, and Astrology.
Information concerning these is furnished upon request.

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