Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1


ADAPTABILITY; of supreme importance .....................................223

ADEPT; One who has passed the 9 degrees of the lesser
Mysteries and the first of the Great Initiations ....... 475, 502

Animals started evolution in the Sun Period,
become human in the Jupiter Period ............................ 70, 224
Why some have cold and others warm blood ........................... 37
Why their color often changes with the seasons ....................... 37
Animals compared with man ................................................... 57
Why animals do not really think ......................................... 59, 70
Desire body of cold and warm-blooded animals
differently constituted ................................................... 68, 69
The present animals are more developed than we were
during our animal stage ..................................................... 69
How animals think though lacking mind .................................. 70
Animal group spirit located in Desire World ............................ 77
Why desire and vital bodies of animals are not
concentric with dense body ............................................... 77
Animal prodigies ............................................................. 77, 293
Why animals are clairvoyant ................................................... 77
Relation of group spirit to animals illustrated ...................... 78, 82
Why hurt animals do not suffer as much as group spirit ........... 78
What instinct really is ............................................................. 78
Group spirit governs the animals by suggestion ................ 83, 350
Horizontal limb of cross symbolizes animal kingdom .............. 86
Bereft of vial body at death ....................................................100
Archangels work in animals' desire bodies ..............................222
Angels work in their vital bodies............................................ 222
Anthropoids belong to human lifewave .......................... 230, 235
The missing link ....................................................................341
Lemurian's Word gave him power over animals .............. 275, 281
Horse's head and vital body not concentric .............................293
Hæmolysis; the destruction of blood corpuscles ......................356
Why hybrids cannot mate ......................................................357

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