Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Group spirit withholds seed atom from eggs pending
favorable conditions .........................................................461

ANESTHETICS; their effect on the vital body ................................ 62

ASTROLOGY; spiritually based in the Law of Causation .............. 161

ATOMS; How vital body accelerates their vibratory rate.................. 61

Not merely models, but living things........................................ 49
Archetype of suicide's body persists after death and
causes him suffering ........................................................104

Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom, etc ..................... 5, 223
The truth shall make you free .................................................. 23
In whom we live and move and have our being ................. 87, 179
Whatsoever a man soweth that also shall he reap ....................106
Falling of the walls of Jericho ................................................122
Misunderstanding concerning the plan of salvation ......... 151, 223
Changing water to wine .........................................................169
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar, etc ..........................158
Christ said of the Baptist: This is Elijah ..................................169
Who did sin, this man or his parents? .....................................170
Know ye not that ye are gods? ................................................171
The Seven Spirits before the Throne ............................... 180, 252
The Word made flesh .............................................................181
Their eyes were opened and they saw they were naked ...........190
Everlasting Salvation and Damnation ............................. 224, 229
I die daily (Paul) ....................................................................249
Adamknew Eve and she bore Seth .........................................277
The tree ofKnowledge ...........................................................278
The tree of Life .....................................................................363
How shall I conceive, Iknow not a man (Mary) ......................278
Why the Angel said: In pain shalt thou bear children ...............278
Why foreign missions are a mistake .......................................308
The sons of God married the daughters of men ............... 310, 335
Location of the promised land ........................................ 310, 335
The “lost” tribes ............................................................ 310, 335
Chosen people—past and future ...................... 298, 305, 311, 334
A new heaven and a new earth ...............................................313

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