Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation ...........315
Translation of the Bible discussed ..........................................317
Bible not intended as an “open book”.............................. 319, 322
Paul asserts allegorical signification of Bible, he and
Christ gave deeper teachings to a few ...............................320
The Greek Septuagint; the Talmud and the transcription
of the Masoretes ...............................................................320
A fallacious standard of Truth ................................................321
Two renderings of the opening sentence in Genesis and
how each complements the other ......................................321
According to the Bible the Earth was formed from the
“ever-existing essence”, not from “nothing” ......................322
Nebular theory proves Gods creative and sustaining energy 129, 323
The dual Creative force ..........................................................324
The 7 Creative Hierarchies .....................................................325
Why Genesis does not mention Cherubim and Seraphim .........326
The Saturn Period .................................................................327
The Sun Period; how it is scientifically possible to have
light before sun and moon were created ............................328
The Moon Period; its atmosphere of “fire-fog” .......................328
The Earth Period and Recapitulations ....................................329
The Polarian Epoch;the Hyperborean Epoch .........................330
The Creation of the Sun .........................................................330
Expelling the Moon from the Earth ........................................331
The Lemurian Epoch .............................................................331
“Form” not “Life”, created .....................................................332
Atlantean Epoch; “nephesh” an important word ......................332
Aryan Epoch; the Elohim rest and man's work begins .............333
Jehovah, leader of Angels and Regent of the Moon .................333
Jehovah is builder of “Form”; giver of children ......................334
The wilderness; the rebel Jews ...............................................335
Involution, Evolution and Epigenesis .....................................336
How the two Creation stories of Bible harmonize ...................344
Jehovah blewnephesh:breath into Adam's nostrils and
Adam became nephesh chayim:breathing creature ...........345
Occult effect of this inbreathing ..................................... 348, 350
Thesoul (not merely the “life”) of all flesh is in the
blood ...............................................................................349
The seed of Abraham .............................................................351

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