Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Collectively they are God ...............................................252-253
Individually they are Regents of the planets ............................180

Christ is highest Initiate of Sun Period ....................................376
The Christ became Regent of Earth at Golgotha ......................407
The Immaculate Conception ..................................................378
Why Christ used the dense and vital body of Jesus ...128, 378, 380
Why Christ is unique among Beings, celestial
or terrestrial and alone able to reunite mankind ......... 380, 382
Jesus' body attuned to Christ vibrations ..................................382
Atonement does not vitiate the Law of Causation;
nor does doctrine of remission of sins ....................... 373, 401
Salvation illustrated ...............................................................402
Why Christ said “not peace but a sword” ................................389
Why the death of Christ was violent .......................................405
The wounds of Christ of esoteric significance .........................406
How the sin of the world was taken away ...............................408
The purpose of the Christian Religion ............................ 433, 435
Jehovah segregated mankind into nations and races,
Christ will reunite them in Brotherhood ............................352
The special mission of Christ ......................................... 401, 405

JEHOVAH (Holy Spirit)
Prior to Jehovah's regime a common group spirit ruled
mankind .......................................................................... 351
Jehovah is highest Initiate of the Moon Period ........................376
He is leader of Angels and Regent of all moons,
ours included ...................................................................333
Why some Archangels (who are sun spirits) help
Jehovah, the lunar God .....................................................404
Jehovah built hard bony structures in early Lemuria ................346
He blew in the breath:nephesh, and men becamenephesh
chayim: breathing creatures ..............................................345
He separated the sexes ...........................................................347
Jehovah and the Archangels divided mankind into nations
and races, appointing a Guardian Angel for each ego 347, 352
Jehovah and Archangels work in desire body by
“Law,” fear of God is pitted against desire of flesh ............395

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