Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Why Mars prevented evolution of warm blood in the first
three and one-half Earth-revolutions .................................274
The soul of all flesh is in the blood .........................................350
Why marriage “in the clan” gives second sight ............... 353, 397
Why mixing blood of one family by marriage with
another family kills clairvoyance ......................................355
The blood; the highest expression of vital body ......................397
Menstruation and tears ............................................................ 60
In each cycle the blood carries a picture of the outside
world to seed atom in heart ......................................... 92, 398

HÆMOLYSIS (destruction of blood)
Hæmolysis and death results when blood of higher
animal is injected in lower ................................................355
Mating of different species causes partial hæmolysis
with loss of propagating faculty ........................................357
International marriages produce hæmolysis which kills
second sight enjoyed by marrying in the clan ....................358
The semicircular canals of the ear, music and logic .................126
Ear was started in Saturn Period .............................................206
EYE; the eye was built by light ................................................ 18, 276
The so-called “third eye” was organ of feeling ........................262
Desire body rooted in liver ...................................................... 68
Group spirit directs currentsinwards in cold-blooded
animals. Currentswell out in mammals .............................. 69
Liver and “liver” ..................................................................... 69

LUNGS; the place of ingress for the group-spirit .............345, 348, 350
Spleen is root of vital body, it specializes solar energy ............. 63
How white corpuscles are made .............................................455
Glands and alimentary canal started in Sun Period ..................211
Pineal Gland was once the localized seat of feeling .................262
Glands are expressions of the vital body .................................455
THYMUS GLAND; supplies parental blood to child in infancy
and early childhood ...............................................................143

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