Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Skeleton soft as cartilage till crystallized in early
Lemuria by Jehovah's lunar forces ............................. 275, 346
Comparison of the effect of external and internal
skeletons on consciousness ...............................................456
Hardening of bones contributed to divide sexes ......................275
Skeleton the particular stronghold of divine spirit ...................397

Young children do not create blood from bones ......................143
Adam's β€œrib” .........................................................................347

Digestion accomplished through the aid of forces
in the chemical ether ............................................ 35, 94, 148
Manufacture and selection of gastric juices .............................263
Digestion commenced in Hyperborean Epoch by osmosis .......263
Alimentary canal started in Sun Period ...................................211
How digestion is affected by temper .......................................456
The Law of Assimilation (chapter) .........................................457

EXCRETION; aselective elimination of waste ............................... 35

The seed atoms have formed part of all vehicles ever
used by one particular Ego ................................................ 97
Seed atom of dense body leaves heart just after last
breath, bearing imprint of panorama of life ........................ 97
Seed atom of dense body fastens silver cord to heart ................ 98
Seed atom of vital body extracted at second rupture
of silver cord ...................................................................103
Seed atom of desire body: seat of conscience It is
extracted before spirit leaves desire body to disintegrate ....120
How seed atom of mind gathers materials for the mind
of a new life prior to birth .................................................133
How seed atom of desire body gathers desire stuff
for a new desire body .......................................................134
How seed atom of vital body gathers new ether ......................134
How the etheric mold of the coming dense body is
placed in womb of mother by the Lords of Destiny ...........137
Seed atom of dense body placed in semen of father .................137
Seed atoms of World-globes alone persist in Chaos ................247

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