Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Seed atoms of plant seed or eggs withheld by
group spirit pending favorable conditions .........................461
Seed atoms of animals withheld by group spirit to
prevent mating of hybrids or mismating ............................357
Outside world pictured upon seed atom in each cycle
of the blood ......................................................................398


The problem of life and death ................................................. 19
The three solutions offered .....................................................148
The four streams oflife ensouling allform ............................... 31
Life alone can feel, form is dead and unfeeling ........................ 32
Life Ether: the avenue of propagation ...................................... 36
Life Ether freed at age 14 .......................................................143
A separate vital body necessary to express life ......................... 57
The four Kingdoms oflife symbolized in the cross ................... 85
The value of life largely dependent upon conditions at death ...101
Duration of life in Purgatory ..................................................107
Life in the First Heaven .........................................................113
Life in the Second Heaven .....................................................121
Life in the Third Heaven ........................................................129
The purpose of life ................................................................131
Life a school of experience ....................................................132
Thelife ensouling man entered evolution in the Saturn Period .205
Thelife ensouling the animals entered evolution in
the Sun Period .................................................................224
Thelife ensouling the plants entered evolution in
the Moon Period ..............................................................226
Thelife ensouling the mineral entered evolution in
the Earth Period ...............................................................232
The relation of Life, Form and Consciousness .................. 80, 223
Life and form merge in Chaos, leaving only seed atoms
of World-globes intact ......................................................247
Life may, and does, exist in forms intangible to us ..................248
Life always builds forms to suit conditions .............................256
Life uncreate, the importance of the wordnephesh ..................332

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