Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Re-awakening of their vibratory powers will produce
positive clairvoyance ........................................................477

Why their observations differ .................................................. 26
Differences in desire body of trained and
untrained clairvoyant .................................................. 67, 241
How anyone may distinguish a trained clairvoyant ............ 68, 400
The Lemurians were all clairvoyant but could
not see physically .............................................................281


Involution illustrated ............................................................... 80
Involution is the period of unconscious development ...... 185, 201
Energy of Virgin Spirits turnedinwards to build
vehicles of consciousness during Involution .............. 189, 201
Descent of spirit marks ascent of form. Both streams
coalesce in the focusing mind ...........................................266
Involution, Evolution and Epigenesis chapter .........................336

Evolution commences at the coalition of spirit and body,
when self-consciousness is awakened ....................... 185, 202
Then “their eyes were opened,” the creative
energy turnedoutwards and conquest of
world begun ....................................................... 81, 190, 202
Salvation and damnation, the great importance
of adaptability....................................................................223
Evolution would have ceased if man had eaten
of tree of life ....................................................................363
The next great division of the “sheep” and “goats” ..................229
Wine as a factor in evolution .......................................... 168, 359
Evolution is progression in three directions ............................151
The end of human evolution ...................................................158
Our dense body is in fourth stage of evolution, vital body
in third, desire body in second and the mind a mere cloud .. 76

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