Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Why races evolved to a certain point, then degenerate
and finally die .......................................................... 289, 341
How embryology confirms occult teaching .............................344
Brain evolved at cost of half our creative force,
free will at cost of pain and death .....................................363
Involution, Evolution and Epigenesis (chapter) .......................336

Man's own original creative activity ........................128, 135, 185
Chapter on Involution, Evolution and Epigenesis ....................336
See definitions under diagram ................................................367

Knowledge a necessary prerequisite to judgment ....................... 7
Knowledge of clairvoyant depends upon training ........ 25, 41, 480
Why knowledge of Cosmogony is very important ...................191
How to obtain firsthand knowledge ............. 21, 97, 111, 430, 528

Comparing man to mineral, plant and animal ........................... 56
Various constitution of vital body in plant, animal and man ..... 58
Divers constitution of desire body in animal and man ....... 65, 235
The cross symbolical of the life currents pulsating
in the four kingdoms ......................................................... 85

LAMENTATIONS; their effect upon the dying and dead ....... 101, 118
Original Semites the first to be mademorally
responsible under Law of Causation .................................301
Law of Causation is the force impelling to rebirth ...................130
It brings each to birth at psychological moment
when stellar influences are most propitious .......................161
How and why the panoramas of life are produced ...................130
Causation automatically produces the appropriate suffering
needed to purge each from his vice ...................................106
Mature destiny and inexorable fate ................................. 136, 161
Law of Causation not vitiated, but complemented,
by doctrines of Forgiveness of Sin and
Atonement .................................................. 91, 222, 373, 402
The binding effect of action and method of liberation .............202
Causation superseded by epigenesis .......................................135

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