Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Since vital body was partially freed at Golgotha,
initiation is open to “whosoever will” ...............................482
Initiation separates the four ethers of vital body so
that two may be extracted at will and used in
“soulflights” through inner worlds ....................................482
The effect of prayer upon the vital body ......................... 434, 463
The specific method of separating the ethers ...... 91, 111, 483, 528
The vital body will be our densest vehicle in
the Jupiter period; it will contain essence
of dense body ...................................................240, 242, 422
Its essence: the intellectual soul, will be absorbed
by the life spirit in Venus Period .......................................426
The vital bodies of plants and animals are differently
constituted from the human vehicle .............................. 58-59
Among animals it is not concentric with the dense
body except in prodigies .................................................... 77

Given in the Moon Period by Lords of Individuality ...............215
It is now in second stage of its evolution .................................. 76
In latter part of Lemurian and early part of Atlantis
some desire bodies divided into higher and lower
parts thus they became fit to harbor a human Ego ...... 235, 395
These dense bodies assumed an upright walk which
emancipated them from rule of group spirit ................. 86, 236
Desire body of man has now incipient sense centers ................ 67
The Lords of Mind linked mind to higher part of
desire body and implanted separate selfhood .....................243
The undivided desire bodies crystallized their dense
vehicles which have degenerated to anthropoids ........ 236, 243
The Archangels work in those, also in the lower part
of the human desire body, giving passion .................. 236, 243
Desire bodies of animals are not concentric with
dense body and otherwise differently constituted .......... 65, 77
Only those bodies which have red blood and liver
can have a separate desire body ......................................... 69
In cold-blooded animals group spirit forces currents
of desireinwards through liver .......................................... 69

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