Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Original Semites, the progenitors of Aryan Races first
to evolve through thought and reason ................................299
The Jews, a crossbreed of Original Semites (the sons of God)
and other Atlantean races, (the daughters of men),
still retain cunning ...........................................................310
How mind-stuff for new mind is gathered prior to each birth ...133
It assumes shape of large bell .................................................134
Mind is born at 21 when man reaches “majority” ....................142
The veil of Isis, the sheath of mind, which hides Ego
from intrusion ..................................................................293
What impels thought ..............................................................285
Conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind ..... 90, 92, 397
The mind is temporarily withdrawn during sleep ..................... 93
It is permanently extracted from dense body at death ............... 97
Why the mind of children which die, persist in their next life ..117
The mind dissolved when Ego ascends to third Heaven ...........129
The present war between heart and mind ................................. 17
The effects of open mind compared with scepticism .................. 7
Valuable training for the mind ................................................202
Prayer for spiritualizing the mind ...........................................464
The mind is now in itsmineral stage, dead, hence we work
with dead chemical mineral substances ..............298, 426, 428
In the Jupiter Period the mind will become alive. Then we
shall work with living plants .............................. 298, 427-428
In Venus Period the mind will acquire feeling Then we
shall work with living, feeling animals ..............................428
In Vulcan Period the mind will become creative and
capable of propagating itself Then we shall give our
creatures a mind and make them human ............................428
How animals think though lacking mind .................................. 70
What Instinct really is ............................................................. 78

EGO (See Human Spirit)
The Ego is a Virgin Spirit involved in a threefold veil of
matter which obliterates its original divine conscious-
ness and engenders the illusion of a separate self ...............216
During Involution it brooded unconsciously over the
evolving form, separate and apart therefrom .....................235
In later Lemuria desire body divided and dense
body assumed upright walk. Then Ego commenced
to enter .................................................................... 236, 394

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