Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Awakened by Cherubim in Sun Period ...................................211
Linked to divine spirit by Lords of Flame ...............................212
Linked to human spirit by Lords of Individuality ....................215
Lords of Individuality now in charge of life spirit ...................220

Awakened by Lords of Flame ................................................207
Linked to life spirit by Lords of Flame ...................................212
Linked to human spirit by Lords of Individuality ....................216
Lords of Wisdom now in charge of divine spirit .....................220

Marriage and generation both duty and a privilege ..................468
But not a license to unbridled indulgence ...............................471
Formerly Race Spirits commandedmarriage in the
family to strengthen the “tie of blood” ...............................353
Later international marriages were insisted upon to
emancipate the individual from race, kin and country ........355
Under the former regime the common blood produced
in each member of family pictures of their common
ancestors (second sight), thus intensifying feeling
of kinship ........................................................................354
The Race Spirit is a “jealous God” He cuts off all who
marry outside of race ................................................ 310, 335
International marriages have mixed the blood, destroyed
the pictures of ancestors and second sight (which
is involuntary clairvoyance) .............................................355
Origin of honeymoon trips .....................................................219

CELIBACY; why practiced by high Initiates .................................467

Statement of the doctrine of materialism .................................148
The nebular theory predicates a creator and sustainer
of the Universe ................................................................323
The logical necessity of a Creative Intelligence .......................129
Materialism at war with established facts ................................149
Materialism a cause of various diseases ..................................113
Cause of earthquakes, illustrated by eruptions of Vesuvius ......510
Effect of materialism on life after death ..................................112

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