Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Why unreliable, even when honest .......................................... 41
The connection between the dense and vital bodies of
mediums is more lax than among ordinary people,
and their weak wills render them a prey to “controls” .........241
Materialization of spirits is accomplished by these
controls by extracting medium's vital body through
the spleen ......................................................................... 62

Mathematical ability and semicircular canals of ear ................126

Memory was first developed by the girls in Lemuria ...............280
In olden days it was greater than now The third Atlantean Race,
the Toltecs, achieved the highest efficiency .......................296
When men married in the family the common blood carried
to them a memory of the lives of ancestors ........................353
Memory is threefold Conscious, subconscious and superconscious.
The conscious memory is unreliable, but the
subconscious memory stores all events .......... 90, 92, 149, 397
Why most people do not remember past lives .........................171
Why some people remember more than others ........................172
A little girl's memory of past life ............................................172

There is a picture in the reflecting ether, in the Region of
Archetypal Forces and the World of Life Spirit ................... 38

Menstruation and tears caused bypositive vital body
of woman ......................................................................... 60

How microbes are expelled from system by N-rays .................. 63

Entered evolution here in Earth Period ...................................232
Mineral has a consciousness similar to that of the human body
when in deepest trance ...................................................... 85

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