Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Allforms have been built from chemical mineral substance
of the earth .................................................................. 30-31
Allforms finally degenerate back to mineral ...........................343
Comparison of mineral and man .............................................. 56
Why it is incapable of growth, motion and thought .................. 58
Why it is unfeeling, though it responds to impact ..................... 31
The mineral group spirit is located in the Region of
Abstract Thought .............................................................. 85
Needed at home more than abroad ..........................................163
Why foreign missions are a mistaken effort ............................308
Music of the spheres a fact of nature ......................................119
The Great Silence; the prelude to the celestial harmony
of Apollo's seven-stringed Lyre ........................................122
The power of rhythmic vibration; supercilious incredulity
concerning the fall of Jericho's walls gratuitous .................122
Heaven the realm of tone and sound flows through
Archetypes and builds form ...................................... 123, 124
The keynote of the body ........................................................369
The semicircular canals of the ear and music ..........................126
Predicates and requires a creator and sustainer
of the Universe ................................................................323
N-RAYS the invisible radiations of the vital body, expel
microbes from system ....................................................... 63
NEW JERUSALEM; an imitation is found in first heaven built
by thoughts on the subject ................................................116
A selective filtration of fluids through tissues of body .............. 35
Man's first method of obtaining nourishment ..........................263
A blessing in disguise (illustration) ........................................131
Torture used in Lemuria to waken consciousness ....................279
How pain has enlarged our consciousness ...............................362
Danger of patriotism when carried to extremes ............... 307, 312

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