Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

A number of Beings from Venus and Mercury were sent
to help nascent humanity in Lemuria They were looked
up to as messengers of the gods ................................ 271, 272
After gestatory period of Aryan Race they gave free will
to the Original Semites .....................................................301
They then withdrew and left human Initiates to guide
their younger brothers ......................................................304

Lords of Mercury were the original Hierophants of the
Mysteries. They initiated the most precocious among
mankind and made them kings (by grace of God) ..............272
They first showed man how he may extricate himself
at will from dense body ....................................................274
Why quicksilver is fluidic and evaporates ...............................233
The influence of Mercury will increase ...................................275

During the Polarian Epoch that which is now earth and the
moon was yet a part of the sun. Division came in the
end of the Hyperborean Epoch .........................................263
The present Moon-beings crystallized part of the earth
and were expelled in the beginning of Lemuria .................264
Effect of the solar and lunar forces upon the earth ...................265
Previous to advent of Jehovah, Earth and man were under
a group-spirit which workedfrom without .........................351
For ages prior to our era Christ worked upon earth
and manfrom without ......................................................404
When liberated from Jesus's body at Golgotha the Christ
entered the Earth and has since been the indwelling
Earth spirit, the Regent of our planet .................................407
The planetary Christ immured in the earth is a ray from
the Cosmic Christ in the sun, refracted into each
planet when ready for brotherhood ...................................408
The sacrifice on Golgotha was but commencement
of a protracted period of suffering on part of Christ,
who is groaning and travailing waiting for the day
of liberation ............................................................. 408, 506
Earth Spirit feels when stone is broken or flower
is plucked .................................................................. 65, 505

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