Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Inner constitution of the Earth and volcanic eruptions .............498
Stages of human development and various foods ....................165
The so-called “dead” transform the earth, its flora and fauna ...125
The keynote of the earth ........................................................123
The Bible agrees with occult teaching that man
has been on earth before ...................................................332

The Word made flesh, the Creative Fiat, a rhythmic sound
which built all things ........................................................181
The music of the spheres ........................................................119
The Great Silence, a gate to the realm of sound,
the Heavenworld ..............................................................122
Sound, the builder of climate, flora and fauna .........................125
The ram's horn disrupting the walls of Jericho a
scientific possibility ................................................. 122, 369
Sound, rhythm; incorporates the soul into the spirit
and amalgamates them .....................................................124

The Word-soul said by Plato to be crucified ............................ 85
Soul is the spiritualized product of the body ............................ 95
“The soul of all flesh is in the blood” ......................................350
Definite method of accomplishing soul growth ........................ 95
Sound and the amalgamation of soul with spirit ......................124
Prior to entrance of indwelling Ego higher part of desire
body was master, a sort of animal soul ...................... 394, 235
Theological doctrine of creation of soul ..................................150
Soul of man and animal not weighed by doctors ...................... 99
SPACE is a spirit not yet crystallized for form ........................249

Of man may be seen before birth and after death ...................... 19
It is clothed in various bodies .................................................. 88
Mars prevented the human spirit, the Ego, from immuring
itself in body before it was ripe .........................................268
Effect of wine, the counterfeit spirit produced by decay,
upon the Ego, the spirit of life ..........................................168
Space is spirit not yet crystallized into form ............................247
The positive pole of spirit manifests as life galvanizing
the negative form into action ............................................248

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