Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

symbolized man of second epoch, 166.
Candidate, for initiation, usually unaware of his selection, 524.
hailed as “first born”, 527.
shown how to utilize stored up powers, 524.
Caste, system crumbling in, 436.
Catastrophes, liquidation of collective destinies, 508.
Causation,see Consequence.
Cause and effect,see Consequence.
Causes, new, influx of, 135.
Celibacy not always a virtue, 471.
only necessary to Initiate, 467, 472.
vow of, 467, 472.
Cell, soul of permeated by desire, 458.
Cells, consciousness of, 81.
Centers, three spiritual in head, 397.
Centers, six vital in body, 406.
Cerebro-spinal nervous system,see Nervous system.
Chaos,see Cosmic night.
Chaos, a holy name, 251.
Character and possessions result of past, 154.
Chastity, necessity for, 471.
Cheerfulness affects digestion, 456.
Chemical elements, 410.
Chemical ether assimilates nutriment, 35.
excretes waste products, 35.
positive and negative in manifestation, 35.
restoration in sleep processes, 94.
ripe at seventh year, 143.
Chemical force moves matter, 121.
in mineral, due to planetary ether, 58.
Chemical Region, basis of dense form, 29-30.
densest state contacted by man, 222.
inertia law of matter in, 40.
mineral stratum of earth corresponds to, 503.
Chemical Region,seealso Physical World.
Cherubim, aided man voluntarily, 211, 215.
awakened germinal life spirit, 212.
did not aid in creating form, 326.
helped man to penetrate veil of matter, 216.
in Moon Period, 215, 229.
in Sun Period, 212, 221, 225.
leave our evolution, 220-221, 326.
not mentioned in Creation Story, 326.
Child, latent faculties of, 139, 140.
Childbirth, ignorance of spiritual laws causes pain in, 278, 283,
Children, birth of, 139.

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