Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

gives prayer to humanity, 435.
has had only one physical embodiment, 378.
has loosened connections of our vehicles, 482.
highest Initiate of Sun Period, 376, 383, 403.
influences our desire bodies from within, 380, 403.
knowledge of, by meditation, 489.
leader of coming race, 313.
leader of sixth epoch, 306.
Light of the world, 17.
Lord of love, 393.
lowest vehicle desire body, 378, 381.
method of salvation, 403.
miraculous appearance of, contrary to evolution, 383.
mission of, 352, 360, 384, 405.
necessary to unify races, 380.
older Brother of Sun Spirits, 403.
only being spanning gap between God and man, 382.
only partially confined to earth, 408.
opens initiation to all, 390, 400, 401, 405, 482.
possesses twelve vehicles, 382.
purifies desire body of earth, 407, 482.
purpose of, in taking Jesus’ body, 313.
regent of earth, 408.
regent of sun, 408.
rejection of, by Jews caused dispersion, 314.
salvation of, illustrated, 402.
saves stragglers, 401, 405.
second coming of, 361, 386.
sent out impulse used by Jehovah, 404.
spirit in the sun, 391.
spiritual Savior, 391.
suffers from earth’s limitations, 408.
symbolizes Initiation of Vulcan Period, 502.
time since coming only a moment in cosmic day, 388.
to use vital body at second coming, 381.
unifying influence of, 388.
union with, 433.
unique among Beings in seven worlds, 382.
used lower vehicles of Jesus, 381, 383.
worked upon earth previous to advent, 404.
world Savior, 389.
Christ,see also Christ Jesus, Jesu s.
Christ Jesus acknowledged law of prophets, 405.
age of that of humanity, 501.
Christ Jesus (cont.)
and bringing the sword, 387.
and story of dead dog, 44.

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