Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

one common, for all in earlier periods, 347-348.
produced by war of desire and vital bodies, 456.
survives after death, 149.
unbroken in life and death, 496-497.
Consequence, Law of, adjustments, 157.
and eating of fruit by Eve, 362.
and life panorama, 130.
and vicarious atonement, 373, 400, 402.
cause of heredity, 156.
compatible with forgiveness of sin, 373.
complexity of, 136.
connected with planetary movements, 160.
determined by present actions, 163.
determines moment of birth, 161.
disaster result of, 507.
draws ego to rebirth, 357.
each person responsible to, 471.
every act seed ground, 282, 507, 508.
explains life, 154.
impersonal, 106.
may not be evaded, 157, 130, 161.
national debt of, 290.
produces purgatorial suffering, 106.
reaches beyond physical cause, 125.
related to planetary movements, 160.
rules in all realms, 106.
works with stars, 161.
Consequence,see also Rebirth.
Consumption,see Tuberculosis.
Contemplation, aid in building inner vehicles, 494.
deals with soul of things, 494.
holding an object in inner vision, 494.
teaches life side of object, 494.
union of higher and lower natures accomplished by, 465.
Continental region of World of Thought, 49.
Contradictions, apparent, 227.
Co-operation, a growing desire for, 436-437.
Copernican theory, not altogether correct, 514.
Coral, crystallized animal forms, 504.
Corpuscles, white, 455.
Correspondences, Law of, 415.
red, 456.
Corti, fibers of, 126.
Cosmic forces, milk puts man in touch with, 447.
Cosmic lines, mystery orders formed on, 521.
Cosmic night, around us, 249.
basis for progress, 249.

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