Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

of earth has feeling, 65.
of earth permeates all form, 65.
of earth purified by Christ, 482.
of mother, 138.
of saint, 66.
of suicide, 104.
only separate feels emotion, 64.
organized sometimes before vital body, 484.
overcome by race religions, 433.
ovoidal in shape, 66.
panorama of, 109.
partial withdrawal of, 94.
perfected in Venus Period, 422.
permanently leaves dense body at death, 97.
perverted expression of ego, 397.
prayer for, 434-435, 463.
purgatorial experience through, 109.
purified extract welded into human spirit, 124.
purification of, aids in union of Holy Spirit, 433.
race religions overcome by, 433.
reconstructed, 236, 242.
record etched upon, 109.
reflection of human spirit, 226.
rooted in liver, 10, 68.
seed atom in greater vortex of liver, 10.
seed atom of, persists, 120.
seed atom repository of experience, 114.
sense centers of, 67, 243, 473, 474, 483, 484.
separate requires red blood, 69.
shape of, after death, 66.
shape of, during life, 66.
silver cord, one sprouts from seed atom, 10.
spiritualization of, 463.
stamped by life record, 109.
stronghold of, 455.
tendency to harden, 455.
to be absorbed, 424.
to be organized, 68.
transmuted into soul, 424.
undivided requires group spirit, 236, 243.
unorganized still, 243, 481.
vital body must conquer, 463.
war with vital body produces consciousness, 455, 456.
Desire Body, (cont.)
withdrawn in sleep, 404.
worked upon by Jehovah, 404.
Desire stuff, currents of, in animals, 69.

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