Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

realm of feeling, 42.
regions of, 47.
repulsion, disintegrating force in, 42.
time passes rapidly in, 107.
training children in, 118.
twin feelings in, 42.
twin forces in, 42.
vapor stratum of earth corresponds to, 503-504.
vitalizes body, 39.
Desires, chain disembodied to desire body, 105.
Desires, highest, cause growth of Emotional Soul, 96.
Destiny, clock of, 163.
evasion of, impossible, 161.
of man, to become creative, 126.
recording angels, Lords of, 161.
ripe, 136, 163.
unavoidability of, 161.
works in harmony with stars, 161.
Destiny, Lords of,see Angels, recording.
Development, future and Initiation, 411-429.
of animals, 69.
one-sided, not desirable, 305.
Diagrams, (in this work) must be spiritually conceived, 194.
Die, oftener we, better we live, 249, 363.
Dietsee Food, also Nutrition.
Diet, individual needs of, 84.
fruit an ideal, 448.
important in esoteric training, 440-441.
milk as a factor, 447.
Digestion, accomplished by chemical forces, 35.
different gastric juices of, 237-238.
effect of temper upon, 456.
Dimensions of space, 151-152.
Dimensions of space, seven, 194.
the “fourth”, 203.
Discipleship, application for, 532.
Discrimination, aid in building inner vehicle, 493.
distinguishing good most important, 493.
faculty of, logical reasoning, 493.
to be practiced by aspirant, 493.
Disasters, great, show trend of evolution, 310-311.
Disease, consumption, cause of, 113.
lack of vitality in vital body, 63.
Disease, paralysis, cause of, 63.
Disease germs, eliminated by vital body, 63.
Dispensation, old, limited Initiation, 390-440.
Distillation of water, 446.

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