Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

caste system crumbling in, 436.
division of life, certain tribes of, 470.
fakirs of, and growing plant illusion, 488.
people of, neglect material development, 470.
Indian, American, body of, 290.
Indifference and interest, 45.
obscures truth, 203.
withering power of, 46, 90.
Individual, birth of, 266-67.
expresses through iron in blood, 268, 274.
Individualism, evils of, apparent as civilization advances, 393.
help needed by all during stage of, 401.
Individuality of children, 143.
of man and animals compared, 71.
taught by Christ, 352.
Individuality, Lords of,see Lords of Individuality.
separate, acquired by Semites, 355.
without separateness, 435-436.
Indwelling spirit at root of nose, 293, 478.
Indwelling spirit,see also Ego.
Inertia is damnation, 229.
Initiate builds own body, 128, 138.
does not save himself, 476.
gains knowledge of Earth Period, 502, 526.
makes Philosopher’s Stone, 519.
of Aryan Epoch, 304.
of Venus Period, 502.
sees earth strata, 499.
Thorah written for, 321.
vows of, 414, 467, 476.
Initiates, Goethe, 145.
have taken place of messengers of Gods, 272, 304.
of Aryan Epoch, 304.
of middle ages, 409.
of three previous Periods, 376.
test of all real, 68, 400.
Initiation and bridge to inner worlds, 479.
and Christ Star, 391.
and future development, 411-429.
and seven days of creation, 411.
before Christ for chosen few only, 390, 404-405, 407.
by Lords of Mercury, 271-275.
Initiation, (cont.)
cannot be accomplished until work on vital body is
begun, 404.
consciousness obtained by, 417-421.
culmination of prolonged spiritual endeavor, 525.

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