Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

desire body awakened by, 405.
effect of, upon vital body, 381, 404, 482.
expansion of consciousness through, 417-420.
first great, 502.
higher life or, 404.
Holy Night, 391.
Jesus’ body attuned by, 381.
knowledge of various degrees, 526.
lesser, given by Lemurians, 413.
mystic term of, 169.
not given prior to Mars half of Earth Period, 413.
object of, 381.
of Atlantean kings, 297.
of Rose Cross, 519.
opened to all, 401, 405, 482.
path of, 412, 414.
preparation for, aided by mathematics, 203.
probation necessary preliminary to, 478, 479.
puts candidates in touch with creative Hierarchies, 526.
separates ethers, 482.
strict celibacy not required in, 472, 539.
symbol of, 519.
teaches man to leave body, 274.
ultimate achievement of all, 414.
Vulcan, 502.
Initiations, earlier, 381.
four Great, 416, 502.
give initiate access to earth strata, 500.
neophyte reviews consciously past evolutionary stages
in, 500.
nine lesser, 416, 500, 516.
of Aryan Epoch, 304.
results of, 414.
symbolize Christ and apostles, 502.
thirteen, 414, 416, 501, 502.
Initiator helps candidate free vital body from dense body, 241.
shows candidate how to awaken conserved forces, 525.
Inner perception in Atlantis, 293.
Innocence distinguished from virtue, 282.
Instinct compared to wisdom of man, 79, 80.
in Atlantis, educators appeal to, 296.
promptings of group spirit, 78.
Intellect, unselfishly used, 363.
demands knowledge of world mystery, 439.
in abstract, sees beauty of loving one’s enemies, 384.
misuse of, dangerous, 530.
Rosicrucian teachings appeal to, 521.

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