Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Languages, all, spoken by Initiate, 433.
desire body gives ability for, 433.
holiness of, 295.
one only in future, 433.
purpose of, 295.
Larynx, built by creative force, 269.
built when body was baglike, 269.
horizontal, under group spirit, 236.
originally part of creative organs, 269, 536.
required by ego, 86, 236.
reproduction from in future, 363, 425.
to speak creative word, 363, 425, 537.
rose in place of, 538.
traversed by currents in aspirant, 477.
vertical, essential for speech, 86, 236.
vertical man’s high achievement, 236.
Law, all sinned under, 383, 407.
first, of occult science, 460.
must be superseded by love, 384.
purpose in establishment of 309, 310.
race religions based on 380, 383, 386, 392.
same, governs world, man, and atom, 410.
Law of Attraction, 46.
Law of Consequence,see Consequence, Law of.
before Christ, humanity’s debt under, 407.
Law of Cosmos, as to vehicles, 379.
Law of Rebirth, see, Rebirth, Law of.
Laws, each world has its own, 29.
Laws of nature, great intelligences, 49.
reflecting man’s morals, 506-507.
Lay Brothers, not Rosicrucians, 528.
leave bodies consciously, 523.
pupils of Elder Brothers, 523.
Legend of Light Elves and Night Elves, 418-419.
Lemniscate of Caduceus, 413.
currents of Earth Spirit, 507, 509.
currents of ninth stratum, 503.
currents of unused sex force, 475.
Lemurian continent destroyed by volcanic cataclysms, 291.
Lemurian Epoch, 265-275, 331, 332.
Abel, type of man of, 166.
atmosphere of, 275.
beings who worked in, 265.
Lemurian Epoch, (cont.)
consciousness of body, 283, 287.
death first recognized, 283, 362.
desire body added, 165.

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