Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

desire body divided, 394.
desire world real to man, 287.
earth’s crust molten, 275.
fifth day of Bible, 331.
man involuntarily clairvoyant in, 241.
man’s food, milk and plants, 166.
milk as food in 166,.
Moon thrown off from earth, 264, 331.
red blood developed, 269.
schools of Initiation, 272, 281.
science and art taught in, 281.
separation of sexes, 267-268, 346.
soft skeleton formed, 346.
spoken word creative, 363-364.
Third Epoch, 165.
Lemurian Race, acquired upright walk, 269.
animal-like, 165, 289.
birth and death unnoticed by, 277.
bodies of plastic, 275.
could hear and feel at birth, 276.
could not see physical world, 287.
descendants of, 289, 304.
developed magic of best kind, 281.
education of, 278-281.
enlightened by Lucifers, 287, 288.
formulated idea of good and evil, 280.
given germ of mind, 265.
had inner perception, 277, 283, 287.
had sensitive spots for eyes, 276.
inspired by feelings, 295.
language of, 276, 278.
lived in latter part of Lemurian Epoch, 275.
lived upon islands, 275.
memory developed, 279, 281.
not distinct until end of epoch, 271.
parturition painless, 277.
perceived light inwardly, 276.
physical consciousness produced by pain, 277, 279.
propagation directed by angels, 277.
seed for Atlantean races, 289.
spiritual perception due to purity, 282.
unconscious of body, 277.
word of power, 278.
Lens, mind corresponds to, 52, 426.
Lesser Mysteries, seven schools of, 523.
open to man in Mercury half, 413.
Levitation, forms subject to, in Desire World, 29.

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