Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

result of, temptation, 287, 361.
serpents of Bible, 288.
spoke to woman, 361.
stragglers of angelic host, 286-291, 361.
unable to assume dense body, 286.
Lungs, air in, tribal or family spirits work by means of, 350.

Macrocosmic, concrete mind 142, 145.
desire body prevents excessive growth, 140-142.
vital body, wisdom of, 139-141.
Magi, the three,see Wise men.
Magicians of Lemuria, 280.
Man, acquired ability to make sound, 219.
activities of Jehovah with, 345-347, 352.
aided by beings from Venus and Mercury, 271.
all four ethers dynamically active in, 59.
and his evolution, 87-146.
and his religion keep equal pace, 367.
and origin of life, 504.
an open book in Jupiter Period, 70, 418.
applies himself to Earth life, 167.
ascends to God in four steps, 302-303.
becomes creator in three worlds, 270.
becomes highly creative in future periods, 427.
Biblical creation of, 332.
body of, once round in shape, 257, 536.
brings disorder into nature, 468.
brotherhood of, 355, 385, 393, 399.
builds body in heaven, 128.
builds form to suit environment, 252, 339.
carnivorous in Atlantis, 166.
compared with other kingdoms, 57-60, 71.
constantly improving vehicles, 340.
constitution of, 59, 86, 88, 95.
created present environment, 154.
creative ability of, limited in Earth Period, 426-427.
cultivation of “self” frees from family and race spirit, 358.
danger of being enslaved by possessions, 386.
develops super-physical faculties by training, 440.
directs force inward to build vehicles, 255, 337, 536.
directs force outward in building environment, 337, 536.
disposition affects length of life, 456.
Man, (cont.)
education of, in Lemuria, 279.
emancipation of, through love, 399.
enlightened by Lucifers, 287.

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