Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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Return of good for evil, 393.
Revenge imprinted on vital body, 463.
form of memory of desire body, 463.
Revolution, circle of life wave, 196.
present, 199, 209, 245.
Revolutions and cosmic nights, 195-200.
as correlated to man’s vehicles, 209.
globes and periods of, 412.
in Bible narrative, 327.
of Earth, 199, 209, 236-245.
recapitulate period, 208-209, 212, 245.
rest period between, 243-245.
three and one-half completed, 199, 209.
Rhythmic vibrations, power of, 122.
Rib of Bible narrative, 347.
Rmoahals,see Atlantean races (subhead Rmoahals).
Root of Nose, seat of divine spirit, 292-293.
Rose Cross, aim and end of human evolution, 519.
Initiation of, 519.
points to man’s ultimate perfection, 519.
reveals Philosopher’s Stone, 519.
symbolism of, 534-539.
Rosenkreuz,see Christian Rosenkreuz.
Rosicrucian only known by brothers, 250.
Rosicrucian Brotherhood, Christian Rosenkreuz link with
higher council of, 523.
consists of thirteen, 522.
devoted to making Philosopher’s Stone, 519.
emblem of, 522.
five brothers of, never leave temple, 523.
formed on cosmic lines, 521.
founded by Christian Rosenkreuz, 518.
guards secret of creation of life, 299.
head of, hidden from world, 523.
Hierophants of Lesser Mysteries, 520.
invisible power behind governments, 520.
lay brothers live in world, 523.
mediators between man and Gods, 304, 327.
one of the seven schools of Lesser Mysteries, 438.
seven brothers go into world, 523.
teachings correlate spiritual truths with science, 521.
teachings for intellectual, 439, 478, 521.
work of, for world, 529.
Rosicrucian Brotherhood,see also Elder Brothers.
Fellowship, 530-533.
greeting, 538.
methods aim to make pupil self-reliant, 531.

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