Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Bacon, 251, 518.
Baldus, 251
Boehme, 251, 518.
Comenius, 250.
Goethe, 249, 519.
Helmont, 251.
Paracelsus, 251.
Saint-Germain, 433.
Shakespeare, 251.
Wagner, 389, 519.
first occult school giving particulars of periods preceding
and following Earth Period, 503.
Round table, knights of, 409.
Royalty, Atlanteans institute, 295.

Sacrifice, of Christ beacon of hope, 373.
law of the spirit, 368.
of self to Christ, 372.
Saint-Germain, Comte de, incarnation of Rosenkreuz, 433.
Saint-Germain,see also Christian Rosenkreuz.
Saint Paul believed in rebirth, 315.
gives deeper teachings to qualified, 320.
had an inner and outer teaching, 520.
had knowledge of race spirits, 350.
sayings of, 389, 434, 506.
“third heaven” of, 146, 528.
uses allegory, 319.
Salt injurious, 457.
Salvation, and forgiveness of sin, 373, 402.
Christian doctrine of, 400.
evolutionary plan, 229.
is progression, 229.
needed by many, 402.
promised, 315.
theology’s plan of, 150, 151.
Saturn destroys his children, 206.
second planet thrown off sun, 258.
Saturn Period, Biblical narrative of, 327-328.
candidate consciously views evolving life in, 525-526.
consciousness of, trance-like, 206.
darkness and warmth prevailed in, 205.
dense body and divine spirit gained in, 207.
Saturn Period, (cont.)
densest globe in region of Concrete Thought, 204-205, 222.
evolution of, 195-196.

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