Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Thought, Concrete, Region of, archetype in, 49.
divisions of, 49-50, 54.
emotion as atmosphere in, 50.
furnishes mind stuff, 49.
location of, 48.
models of Earth in, 125.
region of, clear pictures of memory of nature in, 38.
tone apparent as color in, 124.
water stratum of earth corresponds to, 504.
Thought, logical, semi-circular canals cause, 126.
Thought, World of, central position of, 48.
ego functions directly in, 88.
extends beyond desire world, 53, 179.
forms of, act as balance wheels, 49.
highest of man’s present evolution, 48.
man obtains mind stuff from, 30, 49, 88.
realm of music, 119.
regions and subdivisions of, 48, 54.
relation of four kingdoms to, 70.
second heaven in, 119, 146.
spirit and body meet in, 48.
third heaven in, 119, 146.
Threefold Soul,see Soul, Threefold.
Threefold spirit,see Ego.
Thrones,see Lords of Flame.
Thymus gland, stores blood in child’s body, 143.
Time non-existent in higher worlds, 29.
amplitude of, 388.
Tlavatlis,see Atlantean Races, (subhead Tlavatlis).
Toltecs,see Atlantean races, (subhead Toltecs).
Tone produces color, 123, 124.
creator of form, 123, 369.
Torah,see Thorah.
Trance, 149.
Trance-like consciousness, 74, 85, 212, 415, 421.
abeyance of recuperative forces in, 94.
experiences in, 149.
Transmigration of souls, no basis for, 158.
retrogression, 157.
Transmutation of baser metals into gold, 438.
of bodies into soul, 425.
Transmutation, (cont.)
of evil, 43.
of motives, 464.
of sex force, 467.
work of, by Elder Brothers, 529.
Tree of Knowledge, 278, 362, 363.

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