Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Tree of Life, 363.
Tribal Spirit, appears as a cloud to trained clairvoyant, 350.
Trinity, Christian doctrine of, 253, 376.
Trinity, of good, true and beautiful, 517.
of religion, science and art, 516.
Trottes worked on by Jesus, 409.
Truth, higher always ahead, 440.
is eternal, 23.
many aspects of, 321.
shall make you free, 23.
Tuberculosis, cause of, 113, 511.
Turanians,see Atlantean Races, (subhead Original Turanians).
Twelve and One, a cosmic grouping, 521-522.
Twin feelings, interest and indifference, 46, 54.
Twin forces, attraction and repulsion, 46, 54.
will and imagination, 284.
Twofold energy, universal creative force, 324.
man uses selfishly, 285.
Unbelief, injury from, 440.
Upright walk required by ego, 86.
Uranus first thrown off sun, 258.
life on, backward, 258.
Union with God, 495.
United States, melting pot, 305, 306, 315.
Universal Brotherhood, 311.
Universe, formation of, 324, 325.
logic in, 440.
maintained by God, 324.
Unselfishness will release creative force, 537.
Urinary system, saves man from early grave, 444.

Vegetables contain very little ash, 446.
Vegetarians versus meat-eaters, contests of, 459.
Vehicles center at root of nose, 292
prayer for, 452
Vehicles, higher, have no specialized organs, 75.
improved by advanced egos, 289.
leave body at death, 97.
must shine to attract teacher, 496.
of Christ Jesus, 377, 406.

Vehicles (cont.)
of each kingdom, 73.
of new-born, 139.
of the Trinity, 376.
positive forces of individual necessary for use of, 141.
retain ovoid form, 255.

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