Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

become unconscious, 189, 201.
becoming experts in building chemical bodies, 222.
constitute creative hierarchy, 221, 326.
have being in, 87, 189, 216.
Virgin, zodiacal sign of, on Holy Night, 390.
Virtue, built by attraction, 47.
distinguishable from innocence, 282.
Vision, suitable glasses recommended as an aid to faulty, 492.
Vital body, absorbs solar energy, 63.
amputated limbs and pain in, 64.
anesthetics affect, 62.
angels work in, 283, 349.
appears to expand after death, 108.
belongs to physical world, 97.
birth of, 141-142.
blood and glands expressions of, 238, 397, 455.
builds and restores dense body, 60.
built by angels, 222, 349, 427.
causes menstruation and tears, 60.
Christ’s vehicle at Second Coming, 381.
collapse of, produces sleep, 92, 93.
color of new-blown peach blossom, 60, 63, 253.
composition of, 58-61, 482.
congruent with dense body at root of nose, 293, 294.
constructed of prisms, 10.
decays with dense body, 102, 103.
determines shape of dense body, 60.
development of, object of esoteric training, 381, 481-482.
division of, 481.
effect of hypnotism upon, 62.
effect of prayer upon, 434, 463.
eliminates disease germs, 63.
embedded in dense body, 61.
essence of, absorbed in Venus Period, 424, 425.
ethers of, separated by Initiation, 482.
expands after death, 108.
extends beyond dense body, 59, 60.
forms particular type of brain, 135.
function of, to soften and build, 455, 456.
given by Lords of Wisdom, 211.
Vital body, (cont.)
has straightened out, 255.
immortal part of, 482.
impressed with pictures of coming life, 135.
impressed with revenge by desire body, 463.
in animals, 77, 293.
in four kingdoms, 58.

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