Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

in Jupiter Period absorbs dense body, 422.
in Jupiter Period man’s lowest vehicle, 242.
in likeness of physical body, 240.
in medium, 62.
in ordinary individual interlocked, 62, 241.
in third stage, 75, 76.
Initiations affect, 404, 405.
intuition from, 92.
looseness of, causes clairvoyance, 241.
lower ethers active in sleep, 482.
macrocosmic, 139-140, 141.
matrix of, 137.
medium of propagation, 283.
memory resides in, 94.
method of purifying, 111, 482.
molds dense body, 60, 137.
must conquer desire body, 463.
next to physical body in organized efficiency, 240.
now being separated from dense vehicle, 242.
obtained in Sun Period, 211, 212.
of Atlantean, 293.
of different kingdoms, 58, 59, 77.
of Lemurian woman developed memory, 280.
of man, 60.
of woman, 60.
panorama of life in, 91, 135, 397.
perfected in Jupiter Period, 422.
positive, causes menstruation and tears, 60.
prayer for, 462.
prepared for Initiation, 404, 481.
prismatic seed atom of, in solar plexus, 10.
promotes sex love, 397.
purification and control of, 433-435.
radiations of, 63.
reaction on dense and desire bodies, 441.
reconstructed in Earth Period, 240.
reconstructed in Hyperborean Epoch, 262, 263.
reconstructed in Moon Period 214, 215, 240.
Recording Angels mold, 135.
repetition builds, 434.
Vital body, (cont.)
requisite for growth, 58.
ripening of ethers in, 143.
rooted in spleen, 10, 63.
seat of memory, 481.
seed atom of, withdrawn at death, 103.
sensation due to separate, 505-506.

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