Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Addendum A

Morning and Evening Exercises Performed

by the Rosicrucian Aspirant

(Mentioned on page 111)

The evening exercise,Retrospection, is of gr eater valu e
than any other method in advancing the aspirant upon the
path of attainment. It has such a far-reaching effect that it
enables one to learn now, not only the lessons of this life,
but lessons ordinarily reserved for future lives.
After going to bed at night the body should be relaxed.
Then the aspirant begins to review the scenes of the dayin
reverse order, starting with the events of the evening, then
the occurrences of the afternoon, of the forenoon, and the
morning. He endeavors topicture to himself each scene as
faithfully as possible—seeks toreproduce before his mind's
eye all that took place in each pictured scenewith the object
of judging his actions, of ascertaining if his words conveyed
the meaning he intended or gave a false impression, or if he
overstated or understated in relating experiences to others.
He reviews his moral attitude in relation to each scene. At
meals, did he eat to live, or did he live to eat—to please the
palate? Let him judge himself and blame whereblame is
due,praise where merited.
People sometimes find it difficult to remain awake till
the exercise has been performed. In such cases it is
permissible to sit up in bed till it is possible to follow the

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