Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

ordinary method.
The value of retrospection is enormous—far-reaching
beyond imagination.In the first place, we perform the work
of restoration of harmonyconsciously and in a shorter time
than the desire body can do during sleep, leaving a larger
portion of the night available for outside work than
otherwise possible. In the second place, we live our
purgatory and first heaveneach night, and build into the
spirit asRight Feeling the essence of the day's experience.
Thus we escape purgatory after death and also save time
spent in the first heaven. Andlast, but not least, having
extracted day by day the essence of experiences which make
for soul growth, and having built them into the spirit, we are
actually living in an attitude of mind and developing along
lines that would ordinarily have been reserved for future
lives. By the faithful performance of this exercise we
expunge day by day undesirable occurrences from our
subconscious memory so thatour sins are blotted out, our
auras commence to shine with spiritual gold extracted by
retrospection from the experiences of each day, and thus we
attract the attention of the Teacher.
The pure s hall s ee God, said Christ, and the Teacher will
quickly open our eyes WHEN WE ARE FIT to enter into the
“Hall of Learning,” the desire world, where we obtain our
first experiences of conscious life without the dense body.

(Mentioned on page 485)

Concentration, the second exercise, is perfor med in the
morning at the very earliest moment possible after the

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