Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

The process of preparation for the Aquarian Age has
already commenced and as Aquarius is an airy, scientific, and
intellectual sign, the New Faith for this age must be rooted in
reason. Therefore, the mysteries of life must be solved in a
manner that will satisfy both the head and the heart.

Max Heindel, Christian Mystic and Initiate of the
Rosicrucian Order, lived the Teachings which he taught. In this
book are presented many of the fruits of his physical and
metaphysical labors. A scientific method of spiritual
unfoldment is revealed that is in total harmony with the cosmic
laws of soul growth. If persistently followed, this method will
develop the latent spiritual powers in any individual just as
surely as constant practice will make a person proficient in any
material line of endeavor.


The Sign of the Master
The Secret of Success
The Death of the Soul
The Promotion of Spiritual Sight
Scientific Method of Spiritual Unfoldment
Eternal Damnation and Salvation
The Journey Through the Wilderness

This important work by Max Heindel is published by The
Rosicrucian Fellowship which has established a school that
provides a meeting ground for art, science, and religion.

212 Pages Indexed Paper Cover
ISBN 978-0-911274-19-6
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