Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Man sees things outside of himself in sharp, distinct
outlines. Owing to the spiral path of evolution, the higher
domestic animals, particularly the dog, horse, cat and
elephant see objects in somewhat the same way, though
perhaps not so clearly defined. All other animals have an
internal “picture consciousness” similar to the dream-state in
man. When such an animal is confronted by an object, a
picture is immediately perceivedwithin, accompanied by a
strong impression that the object is inimical or beneficial to
its welfare. If the feeling is one of fear, it is associated with a
suggestion from the group-spirit how to escape the
threatened danger. This negative state of consciousness
renders it easy for the group-spirit to guide the dense bodies
of its charges by suggestion, as the animals have no will of
their own.
Man is not so easily managed from without, either with
or without his consent. As evolution progresses and man's
will develops more and more, he will become non-amenable
to outside suggestion and free to do as he pleases regardless
of suggestions from others. This is the chief difference
between man and the other kingdoms. They act according to
law and the dictates of the group-spirit (which we call
instinct), while man is becoming more and more a law unto
himself. We do not ask the mineral whether or not it will
crystallize, nor the flower whether it will or will not bloom,
nor the lion whether it will or will not cease to prey. They
are all, in the smallest as in the greatest matter, under the
absolute domination of the group-spirit, being without free
will and initiative which, in some degree, are possessed by
every human being. All animals of the same species look
nearly alike, because they emanate from the same group-
spirit, while among the fifteen hundred millions of human

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